The Enigma of Bullying and Unhealthy Atmosphere in Higher Education

  • Muhammad Ahsan Aziz Abbasi
  • Javaria Shaikh
  • Syeda Wajiha Kazmi
Keywords: Quality education, Health behavior, Socio-demographic influence, Direct and indirect bullying, Education on bullying.


The motivation behind this paper is to give an outline of university bullying among pupils and indicate the soft targets
for the bully and the impact of unhealthy class environment on students’ education and behavior. This study employed an
explanatory and quantitative approach. Following a non-probability sampling technique, this research resorted to using
convenience sampling by disseminating a structured questionnaire among 200 students enrolled in public and private
universities in Karachi. The outcomes revealed that health behavior significantly influences the quality education of
students. While, direct or indirect bullying may not only affect the health but the quality education of students as well. In
addition, results showed that Education on bullying and socio demographic influence may increase the quality of
education but in our case, the relationship is not significant. The authors suggest that examining students’ experiences
and their practice, outcome of training programs with the help of a group of professors will assist in suggesting
procedures and tactics to promote the quality of education. This study conceives bullying at educational institutes as a
critical quality issue and paves the way for further developments intended to enhance university educational services’


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How to Cite
Abbasi, M. A., Shaikh, J., & Kazmi, S. W. (2023). The Enigma of Bullying and Unhealthy Atmosphere in Higher Education. Journal of Social Sciences and Media Studies, 7(1), 44-53.