The Influence of Training and Development on Healthcare Employees Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture

  • Ammara Amjad Dow University of Health Sciences
  • Fouzia Rehman OJHA. Dow University of Health Sciences
  • M. Arsalan Hashmi Dow University of Health Sciences
Keywords: training & development, organization culture, employee performance, market culture, healthcare institutions, organizations.


In Pakistan to meet the demand of today's healthcare landscape as per global standards, different hospitals and healthcare institutions are concentrating on maintaining their staff's education and offer variety of non-technical and technical training programs to their staff to enhance and appraise their performance. So, this cross-sectional quantitative study was designed to investigate the intricate relationship between employee performance and training & development within the healthcare organizations, whereas organization culture worked as a moderating variable in this study. The sample size of 95 healthcare professionals working in various hospitals was selected conveniently and 35-items questionnaire with
strong reliability for each variable was employed for data collection. The findings revealed that training & development programs positively impact on employee performance, while withinorganization culture only market-culture within the healthcare organization exhibited a positive relationship with employee performance. However, the regression analysis to explore the moderating effect of organization culture on training & development and employee performance, the results were not significant as organization culture might notdirectly moderate the training & development and employee performance relationship, revealed that training & development and organization culture (market-culture) independently impact on employee performance. This intricate interaction between training & development and market culture emerges as a positive impact that might enhanceemployees’ skills, performance, and adaptability.This study highlighted the importance of offering different tailored training & development programs within healthcare organizations whereas acknowledging the potential effect of market culture on employee performance. It was recommended that the culture should be developed according to the healthcare organizational objectives & patient-centric values and training & development programs must be developed on the current requirement for employees’ growth.


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How to Cite
Amjad, A., Rehman, F., & Hashmi, M. A. (2024). The Influence of Training and Development on Healthcare Employees Performance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Culture. Journal of Social Sciences and Media Studies, 8(issue 1), 158-167. 1.0350