An Evaluation of the relationship between Human Resource Practices and Job Satisfaction among Young Adults Working in Private Office Settings in Karachi

  • Manal Fatima University of Karachi
  • Dr. Kaneez Fatima Mamdani University of Karachi
Keywords: HR Practices, Job Satisfaction, Pay for Performance, Promotion, Performance Management


Organizations engage in human resource practices because they are people-centered, planned, voluntary, and unrestricted from the outside. The productive workforce cannot be achieved without the four main human resource practices as; pay for performance, training, promotion policy, and performance management. This study investigates the relationship between human resource practices and job satisfaction working in private office settings in Karachi. The data was gathered from sixtyseven employees belonging to writing, technology and design, marketing, technical,  administrative, accountant, and management professions respectively. The data was collected through purposive sampling method from males and females working in 9 to 5 in private office jobs. The relationship between overall human resource practices and the determinants of HRPs with job satisfaction was examined in this study. The research findings show that the overall human resource practices had statistically positive significant relationship with job satisfaction. On the other hand, pay for performance, promotion policy, and performance management also shows statistically positive association with job satisfaction. However, training and job satisfaction had no significant association with one another. The study's limitations include potential selection bias due to purposive sampling, exclusion of certain employee levels, and reliance on questionnaires, impacting representativeness and response reliability


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How to Cite
Fatima, M., & Mamdani, D. K. (2024). An Evaluation of the relationship between Human Resource Practices and Job Satisfaction among Young Adults Working in Private Office Settings in Karachi. Journal of Social Sciences and Media Studies, 8(issue 1), 23-34. 1.0335