Impact of Democratic Leadership Style in Teachers Motivation & Classroom Teaching Environment for Quality Oriented Teaching at Secondary Schools of Balochistan Province

  • Abdul Baqi Lasbela University Balochistan,
  • Dr Noor Muhammad Lasbela University Balochistan
  • Ali Murtaza Shah Lasbela University Balochistan
Keywords: School Leadership, Democratic, Autocratic, Laissez-Fair, Teachers, Principal


The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of democratic leadership styles on teachers’ motivation, classroom teaching and environment to enhance the teaching quality and its effectiveness at secondary school of Balochistan. The study was conducted through quantitative method and correlational design was used and data was collected through survey questionnaire, data was collected from121 teachers from secondary schools of four areas (Quetta, Gawadar, Lasbela and Turbat) Balochistan. Random sampling was used to collect the responses participants. The findings of the study revealed that impact of democratic leadership style on motivation of teachers and classroom teaching environment was explored that democratic leadership motivates the teachers to self-establish the skills and competencies for effective classroom teaching which enhance the performance of students and meet the standard of quality of education in the schools. Democratic leadership develops the attractive and friendly environment for teachers and students to maintain the standard and moral ofteacher and students in the institution and achieve the goals and objectives of education.
Key words: School Leadership, Democratic, Autocratic, Laissez-Fair, Teachers, Principal


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How to Cite
Baqi, A., Muhammad, D. N., & Shah, A. (2024). Impact of Democratic Leadership Style in Teachers Motivation & Classroom Teaching Environment for Quality Oriented Teaching at Secondary Schools of Balochistan Province. Journal of Social Sciences and Media Studies, 8(issue 1), 8-12. 1.0333