Student-Teachers’ Attitude towards ICT Use: An Application and Modification of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Education

  • Fatima Hashim Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Martin Thomas Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore
Keywords: Student teachers’ attitude, ICT, subjective norms, facilitating conditions, perceived effectiveness


All over the world, the use of technology has revolutionized a wide variety of processes and procedures in various disciplines, including education. The implementation of ICT in education enhances both the standard and quality of education, hence it is introduced in the teaching, learning, and evaluation processes. However, there are examples of ICT under use, both in rural as well as urban areas, during classroom teaching at different levels of studies in developing countries such as Pakistan. One reason for limited use is students’ attitude towards ICT use. The current research used an adapted version of a model called TAM and a self-developed survey questionnaire to gather quantitative data from 270 student teachers enrolled in teacher education programmes in Karachi. Data were analysed using PLS-SEM technique. The results revealed that all factors studied had significant positive contribution towards teachers’ attitude towards the ICT adoption. It was recommended that teacher education programmes provider integrate ICT in the teacher education
curriculum and ensure extensive professional development for teacher educators teaching these courses.


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How to Cite
Hashim, F., & Thomas, M. (2023). Student-Teachers’ Attitude towards ICT Use: An Application and Modification of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in Education. Journal of Social Sciences and Media Studies, 7(2), 27-37.